Benefits of Membership

What are the benefits of ACGC membership?

Members of the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation receive an increased connection to their global development sector community. The team at ACGC works year round to help members share information, to advocate on behalf of members and represent them on policy issues, and to help build member capacity.

Benefits of MembershipOrganizational MembershipIndividual Membership
Information Sharing
Receive ACGC’s ‘Members-only E-blast’
Receive ACGC’s bi-weekly ‘E-Bulletin’ and have the opportunity to submit your organizational events and updates.
Receive ACGC’s ‘Teach Newsletter’ and have the opportunity to submit your organizational events and updates.
Receive ACGC’s ‘Sector Newsletter’ e-bulletin and have the opportunity to submit your organizational events and updates.
Receive ACGC’s ‘Spark Newsletter’ and have the opportunity to submit your organizational events and updates.
Policy and Advocacy
Be represented on policy issues to the municipal, provincial, and federal governments, including Global Affairs Canada.
Be represented and participate in discussions with the Inter-Council Network (ICN) and the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC).
Participate in round-table discussions, consultations, surveys and in the development of position papers on pressing policy issues.
Capacity Building
Participate in capacity building workshops and public engagement events, with free registration or member discount.
Network and build relationships with individuals and organizations within and outside of the sector. Mentor, learn or partner with these organizations
Access tools, resources and sample policies.
Participate and bring forward motions of interest in ACGC’s Annual General Meeting. Participate in ACGC committees.
Vote in ACGC’s Annual General Meeting.
Vote and run for a position on the Board of Directors or chair an ACGC committee.
Other Benefits
Borrow ACGC equipment and office space (e.g. LCD projector, easels, catering supplies, art supplies).
Request letters of support for campaigns and grant applications.