About Us
All people can fulfill their potential and prosper, become engaged citizens in peaceful, just, and inclusive societies, and thrive in a healthy, sustainable world.
Mobilize Albertans to become global citizens engaged in sustainable development. We do this by building the capacity of network organizations, representing members’ interests with government and others, and increasing the awareness, knowledge, and connections of Albertans in global issues and sustainable development.

Who we are
A network of organizations and individuals, located in Alberta, working locally and globally to advance sustainable development and global citizenship. Part of this network includes ACGC members, comprised of civil society organizations and individuals.
Respect, Inclusiveness, Equality, Empowerment, Human Rights, Collaboration, Accountability, Transparency, Sustainability, Mutual Learning
Strategic Plan
ACGC carries out its mission through focusing on the following strategic priorities:
- Strengthen the collaboration, knowledge, and capacity of civil-society as effective global change agents.
- Advance the voices of ACGC members to address global issues and advance sustainable development.
- Inspire the public towards greater awareness, engagement, and action as global citizens.
- Model organizational integrity, wellness, sustainability, and effectiveness.
To learn more, read ACGC’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.

Fair Trade Workplace
ACGC is proud to be a Fair Trade Workplace certified by the Canadian Fair Trade Network. Fair trade supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, addresses climate change through improved agricultural techniques, and encourages business practices that reduce poverty for producers in the global south. To find out more about about fair trade and fair trade workplace certification visit the Canadian Fair Trade Network.

United Nations ECOSOC
As of June 2019, ACGC holds Special Consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Consultative status provides NGOs with access to not only ECOSOC, but also to its many subsidiary bodies, to the various human rights mechanisms of the United Nations.

Alberta Living Wage Employer
ACGC is a Living Wage Employer in the Province of Alberta. This means we are committed to paying our employees a living wage that allows them to meet their basic needs and participate in their communities. A living wage is different from minimum wage in that minimum wage is mandatory and the same throughout the province while a living wage reflects what people need to cover the actual costs of living in their communities. Payment of a living wage is a voluntary commitment from employers to go beyond the minimum.

Inter-Council Network
The Inter-Council Network (ICN) is a coalition of the eight Provincial and Regional Councils for International Cooperation. These member-based Councils are committed to global social justice and social change, and represent nearly 400 diverse civil society organizations (CSOs) from across Canada. The ICN provides a national forum in which the Councils collaborate for improved effectiveness and identify common priorities for collective action. Rooted in communities across Canada, we are leaders in public engagement at a local and regional level and are recognized for bringing regional knowledge and priorities to the national level.
Executive directors of the eight councils meet on a regular basis to share information and coordinate national programs, policies and actions. ICN is housed at the Atlantic Council for International Cooperation. Visit the ICN Website to Learn More.
ACGC currently operates the Spur Change program on behalf of the ICN. To learn more, visit the Spur Change website.
Please find below a list of the councils:
- BCCIC – The British Columbia Council for International Cooperation
- NCGC – The Northern Council for Global Cooperation
- SCIC – The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation
- MCIC – The Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
- OCIC – The Ontario Council for International Cooperation
- AQOCI – Association Québécoise des Organismes de Coopéracion Internationale
- ACIC – The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation

Cooperation Canada
ACGC is a member of Cooperation Canada (formerly the Canadian Council for International Cooperation), a coalition of Canadian voluntary sector organizations working globally to achieve sustainable human development. Based in Ottawa, Cooperation Canada seeks to end global poverty, and to promote social justice and human dignity for all. ACGC works closely with Cooperation Canada to ensure Alberta organizations are represented, especially on issues which affect small and medium organizations. To learn more, visit the Cooperation Canada website.