ACGC understands Global Citizenship to be an ethos, a way in which to see and understand the world. It refers to a sense of belonging to the global community and common humanity, with its presumed members experiencing solidarity and collective identity among themselves and collective responsibility to act at the local and global level.
– Adapted from UNESCO: Global Citizenship Education: An Emerging Perspective (ED/2013/PSD/PHR/PI/4)
ACGC provides many resources and opportunities for educators as part of our commitment to global citizenship education in Alberta. This page includes
- TEACH Newsletter
- Professional Development Opportunities
- Classroom Workshops
- Classroom Resources
Last Update: January 2023
TEACH Newsletter

Subscribe to ACGC’s TEACH e-newsletter to receive updates on educator and youth opportunities, resources, and professional development opportunities 5 times a year.
Professional Development

We are pleased to welcome you to the launch of our 2023-2024 Educator Roundtable sessions! The aim of these roundtables is to provide a collaborative forum for participants to hear provocative and inspiring ideas and strategies from experts speaking to issues of local and global concern, learn from each other’s lived experiences, share best practices, and explore different perspectives and approaches in a space of mutual curiosity, trust and respect.
This year, we will also be drawing on your unique knowledge and experiences to rethink Global Citizenship Education in classrooms and work together to design useful tools and resources to navigate such topics. From December 2023 to May 2024, we will be hosting one educator roundtable each month, each focusing on a different topic, led by Bill Howe with guest speakers (see program schedule below).
If you are new to our monthly roundtables, please register by contacting Bill Howe at, or by contacting ACGC’s GCE Lead at
Classroom Workshops

ACGC has a wealth of experience developing and delivering lessons and workshops to help youth Learn, Share, and Act to make the world a better place. Whether for your K-12 school in Alberta, community group, youth conferences, or as part of pre-and post orientation service trips, our qualified staff are ready and excited to engage youth as global citizens.
Below you will find a sample of ready-made lessons, workshops and supporting materials that we have made available for teachers to use in their classrooms.
Contact or 780-988-0200 to learn more, or to a request a workshop!

A Better World is InSight: 360 Experience
New in 2023: Experience powerful stories of global development and explore issues and challenges faced by communities across the globe through an immersive 360° learning experience, right in your classroom!
Following the successful deployment of the immersive A Better World is Insight 360 experience across the prairies, ACGC is now offering an opportunity for Alberta schools to continue to engage with the content in a new way.
Visit our InSight 360 page to explore a curated selection of immersive films from the United Nations and International aid community, and lesson guides for learning about the issues explored in the films. Learn more about the films available at
If you are interested in requesting an in-person workshop where ACGC will guide students to explore these videos via immersive 3D-glasses, contact or call 780-988-0200.

Problem and Solutions Trees: Creating Change in your School or Community
New in 2022: Featuring case studies on two changemakers, this resource models how to use ‘problem and solution trees’, a type of mind-map commonly used by international development organizations, to think through the root causes of a community issue, take appropriate action, and evaluate the impact. This activity is supports the development of core competencies as outlined in Alberta Education’s Guiding Framework.

Beyond a Single Story
New in 2022: This activity, designed for Grade 7-12 students, explores the ways that intersecting identities can affect a person’s reality and quality of life. By considering the diverse viewpoints within a community, students will gain an understanding of the complexities of analyzing a community’s challenges and strengths. Each Community Case Study provided in this activity was created in partnership and solidarity with an international cooperation organization and its international partners.
Alternatively, once you have read through the Workshop Outline, choose one of the individual Case Studies below.

Learn more about the UN SDGs and access classroom resources.

NOW FOR 2030: Exploring Quality of Life – Grade 3 (2021)
From February – June 2021, participating classes across Alberta wrote letters to the Grade 3 class of 2030 in their school, sharing their hopes and aspirations for the future. Then, they sent their letters to ACGC to be stored in our time capsule.
On 25 September 2030, ACGC will open and share the letters back to the school for the class of 2030 to read! While the time capsule is closed, your class can still learn and complete the activity.

COLOURING PAGES: Gender Equality (2021)
Download new colouring pages from Global Affairs Canada to help educate students about Canada’s role in addressing gender equality during Covid-19 around the world!

In this lesson, students will use dialogue to tell a story. Through using a story about healthcare in a fictional Kenyan setting, students will also gain an understanding of life in developing countries, and the work that Alberta organizations do to assist those in need. The lesson is illustrated by Alex Kwizera, in partnership with Operation Eyesight Universal, Calgary to accompany stories found in Together: Alberta’s Notebook for the Global Goals.

POINTED (2019)
In this lesson, students will read and analyze the poem “Pointed” by Edmonton-based poet and scientist, Nermeen Youssef. Students will extend their learning through creating their own piece exploring inequities they see or face in health care services locally and globally.
ACGC has developed the lessons to accompany stories found in Together: Alberta’s Notebook for the Global Goals.

In this challenge, students will design a product to help a non-profit organization communicate key health messages to children living in a rural, low-income setting in a developing country. Taking inspiration from Dr. Michiko Maruyama, students will explore the occupational clusters of Communications and Human Services while completing this CTF Challenge.
ACGC has developed the lessons to accompany stories found in Together: Alberta’s Notebook for the Global Goals.

In this art encounter, students will explore the impact of art on community well-being. By analysing and comparing Mattias Grünewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece, and the Keiskamma Altarpiece, students will gain an understanding of how art can uplift and empower communities in need. This lesson was created in partnership with Keiskamma Canada Foundation, Edmonoton to accompany stories found in Together: Alberta’s Notebook for the Global Goals.

Designed to be an educational kit to be used by educators, Development in a Box was created by ACGC in 2010 to aid in the incorporation of global issues into the curriculum and classroom in Alberta, linked to curriculum objectives in the Alberta Program of Studies. Originally sent physically to schools, the kit was re-published in 2011 and made available as a digital downloads.
While the materials are no longer updated or maintained by ACGC, the resource and lessons can serve as a building block and inspiration for educators to create new, meaningful dialogue in classrooms.
Development in a Box: Grades 1-6
To navigate through Development in a Box: Grades 1-6, we suggest starting at the Table of Contentsin the Resource Guide. The Table of Contents will assist you in discovering the thematic area, grade level, curriculum covered and the Material Book you will need to seek out. Detailed lesson descriptions, and curriculum objectives can be found in the Resource Guide.
You will uncover the individual lessons in the three Material Books.
- Download the Resource Guide
- Download Material Book 1
- Download Material Book 2
- Download Material Book 3
Development in a Box: Grades 7-12
To navigate through Development in a Box: Grades 7-12 we suggest starting at the Table of Contentsin the Resource Guide. The Table of Contents will assist you in discovering the thematic area, grade level, and curriculum covered. Detailed lesson descriptions, and curriculum objectives can also be found in the Resource Guide.
You will uncover the individual lessons referenced in the Resource Guide by exploring the following thematic areas: