SMO Report 2024 Launch Webinar: Stories of Growth, Success, and Meaningful Support to SMOs
to March 26, 2024 11:30 am
As the original 5-year programming window for Spur Change has been reached, we are taking this opportunity to look back on the achievements and successes of 8 different SMOs that have been supported over the years by the SMO pilot initiatives: Spur Change, FIT and the Development Impact Window. This report aims to highlight the valuable contributions that Canadian international SMOs have in the sector, how SMOs have been accessing capacity-building and knowledge sharing support, and demonstrate the value in supporting SMOs.
This webinar will focus specifically on the achievements realised by 3 of these organisations: FIIDI, World Neighbours Canada, and CAUSE Canada. These organisations will present their different experiences with Spur and FIT as well as the project, collaborations, organisational and personal growth that they have achieved as a result. Highlights from the report, primarily written by Shanice Tadeo, a former Spur Change project officer, will be presented, then SMOs representatives will elaborate on their cases.
✅ Main Objectives
- Better understand what have been the impact and contributions of Canadian SMOs in the past 5 years;
- Learn what have been the challenges and opportunities for SMOs within the Canadian international cooperation landscape;
- Gain a better understanding of the required resources and support required for smaller organisations;
- Celebrate the achievements that they have been able to accomplish, and the SMO-specific constraints they were able to overcome;
- Provide time for meaningful dialogue and Q&A with participants;
👋 Speakers :
- Andréanne Martel (Chair), Director Spur Change
- Shanice Tadeo, Lead writer
- Andre Melrose, Report project coordinator from Spur Change
- Shaka Ceesay, Director of the Foundation for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Initiatives (FIIDI) will discuss the growth of his young organisation that only started in 2019 and recently became involved with the ICN in 2023, leading to his position of secretary on the board of governors for ACGC.
- Bruce Petch, President of World Neighbours Canada will share the unique experiences that WNC has faced as a smaller organisation in the vast landscape of Canadian international development and how they managed a growth of over 10 times their annual funding, thanks to FIT.
- Wendy Fehr and Abdulai Suma, Executive director for CAUSE Canada and program manager in Sierra Leone will explain the impact of Spur Change trainings in their organisational development and the achieved opportunities and successes as a result.
💻 Format and Access
March 26th, 2024, 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET, 4:00pm GMT
The session is 90 mins long and will take place online. A Zoom link will be sent in a direct email from Eventbrite after registration. The session will start with presentations from the speakers followed by discussion and Q&A with attendees.