About International Cooperation
Albertans have a long and strong history of supporting international cooperation. At ACGC, we believe Albertans have a responsibility to ensure all people can fulfill their potential and prosper, become engaged citizens in peaceful, just, and inclusive societies, and thrive in a healthy, sustainable world. As a network, we seek to encourage more Albertans to get involved.
ACGC members promote international cooperation through a variety of actions, including but not limited to:
- Supporting community development projects and organizations in low-income countries
- Mobilizing life-saving humanitarian relief and financial aid in times of a disaster
- Providing technical assistance and advice to international partner organizations
- Exchanging ideas and promoting mutual learning with global partners
- Demonstrating global solidarity through advocacy, petitions, policy creation, and protests
- Participating in visits and exchanges, building relationships across boundaries
- Promoting environmental stewardship and climate action
- Raising awareness and understanding of global issues
Members of ACGC commit to a Code of Ethics for International Cooperation, adopted by many Canadian international cooperation agencies. The sector works collaboratively to help increase the standard of care and practice, to ensure we ‘do no harm’ when seeking to support communities. Read more about these standards on our About Us page.
In a globalized world, our local and global realities are intricately linked. As the above actions demonstrate, there are many ways you can promote international cooperation in your everyday actions without ever leaving the province.
Get involved today!
Start by exploring our member page to find an organization in Alberta already working on an issue you are passionate about. Then, browse our programs, events, sign up for our bulletins, or follow us on social media to learn about upcoming opportunities to get involved.
Contact an ACGC staff member to learn more. We are here to help you make a difference in your community and the world.

Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In September 2015, the world came together in New York to adopt the 2030 Agenda, which seeks to end extreme poverty, inequality, and combat climate change by 2030. Here, ACGC will provide resources to help you both understand the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) so you can take action in your community. To learn more, visit the UN Sustainable Development Goals website, as well as the popular Global Goals campaign website.
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimension, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.
Do you want to learn more about taking action on the SDGs in Alberta?
Read stories and view our interactive map
SDG Tools for the Classroom
Discover educational materials directly addressing the Sustainable Development Goals for your classroom. For more educational resources, visit our Teacher Resource page!
Go For the Goals 2023: Lesson and PowerPoint

Designed for early elementary students, this short power point and discussion aims to help children
- Learn about the Sustainable Development Goals
- Learn ways Alberta youth are taking action
- Share ways they can Go For the Goals!
Use this lesson during International Development Week, and inspire your students with the stories of 5 of Alberta’s Top 30 Under 30!
17 Goals in 17 Weeks: PowerPoint Presentation Tools
ACGC has created a PowerPoint presentation to help teachers facilitate awareness about, and reflection upon the 17 Global Goals, over the course of 17 weeks! Each week, use the proposed question as journal writing or discussion prompt and watch a video from an ACGC member organization working on that particular SDG.
Download the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in MS PowerPoint
Sustainable Development Goals ACGC Poster
Alberta teachers can download a poster about the SDGs for classrooms, made by ACGC and the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
English Poster (18 x 24 inches):
Transforming Our Schools, Our Province, Our World
French Poster (18 x 24):
The Global Goals: Targets Poster
This Poster from the Global Goals Campaign shows all the 17 SDGs and the individual targets. This poster is A2 size, printing at 16.5 x 23.5 inches.
Sustainable Development Goals: Spinning Wheel
ACGC has an ‘SDG Wheel’ and SDG placards to help educate audiences about the SDGs in a fun manner!
Contact ACGC at projects@acgc.ca if you would like to borrow this for an event, of if you’d like ACGC to set up a display at your event.
World’s Largest Lesson: Online Resource
Be sure to check out The World’s Largest Lesson for videos, lessons, comics, and more, all related to the Sustainable Development Goals!
UNESCO Education for the SDGS: Learning Objectives
The publication intends to guide readers on how to use education, and in particular ESD, in achieving the SDGs. It identifies learning objectives, suggests topics and learning activities for each SDG, and describes implementation on different levels from course design to national strategies. The document aims to support policy-makers, curriculum developers and educators in designing strategies, curricula and courses to promote learning for the SDGs.
SDG Resources for Individuals and Organizations
Alberta Youth Paper on the SDGs – 2022
This youth-led project asked the question, “How do Alberta youth want to learn about and engage in global issues?”

This by-youth report provides an in-depth insight into youth engagement for global citizenship, including how educators, community organizations, and multi-level government actors can support Alberta youth in their global citizenship education and action.
As part of ACGC’s Inspiring Action for Global Citizenship program, this paper helps to enhance contributions of Alberta youth to Canada’s international development efforts towards gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, reducing poverty and inequality, and
the achievement of the SDGs.
Learn about the SDGs in Alberta
Read stories, reports, and view our interactive map featuring individuals and organizations working towards in the UN SDGs in Alberta
Together | Ensemble: Canada’s National Conference on the SDG
Together | Ensemble Conference
Together | Ensemble is Canada’s largest conversation on advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. The conference took place in Calgary in 2017, Edmonton in 2018, online in May 2020, and online again in March 2022.
Learn more at togetherensemble.ca
Canada’s SDG Data Hub
Visit the Data Hub and explore how Canada is achieving the goals!
Statistics Canada is central focal point for reporting Canada’s data for the global SDG indicators and works as a co-ordinating body for the National Statistical System. Statistics Canada is responsible for the collection, collation, analysis, presentation and dissemination of data for regular monitoring of Canadian progress against the global indicators and has developed this on-line data hub for disseminating Canada’s SDG data.
Statistics Canada is continuing to examine data sources that may be useful for reporting on SDGs and over the coming months will continue to add data, statistics, and data visualization features. By clicking on each goal you will find Canada’s Statistics for the Sustainable Development Goal.
Atlas of the SDGs – The World Bank
The Atlas is built around World Development Indicators 2017; the World Bank’s compilation of statistics from over 200 economies about global development and the quality of people’s lives. For each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, selected indicators have been identified and visualized to analyze trends and challenges, and to stimulate discussion on measurement issues.
You can browse the 2018 atlas online or download it as a PDF. It is accompanied by interactive dashboards of SDG data and all the underlying data is available in the World Development Indicators database.
Localizing the SDGs: Training Module
The trainer’s guide for Localizing the SDGs is intended to provide information on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to local and regional governments, and their organizations or networks, and equip them with a series of strategies, skills and knowledge to localize them.
This material (available in English and shortly to be released in Spanish) is being used in the framework of several learning sessions, which encourage participatory and group work and are promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences among local and regional governments, and other local stakeholders. If you are interested in participating or organizing a training session, please do not hesitate to contact info.art@undp.org.
Online SDG Learning Courses
ACGC has compiled a document with a long list of publicly available online courses related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Most of the courses are free, with an option for a paid certificate. ACGC is providing the resource for informational purposes only and does not endorse the content or quality of the listed courses. Visit each course page to learn about course delivery and expectations. Download the list of SDG courses here.
The Power to Decide: Presentation Podcast
The Power to Decide: The Role of Women in Creating a Sustainable Future
ACGC was pleased to have Dr. Alaa Murabit give our keynote address at ACGC’s Annual Conference in Edmonton in September 2016. Hailing from Saskatchewan, Dr. Murabit is a medical doctor, a UN High-Level Commissioner on Health, Employment & Economic Growth, and one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Advocates.
SDG Online: Database of SDG Books, Articles and Learning Resources
A curated library to support the United Nations’ call to action to end poverty, fight equality and injustice and protect the planet. Through this resources, you can explore SDG-specific articles, book chapters, and teaching and learning resources. Visit Website
Resource curated by the Taylor & Francis Group.
NextGen Database
Find a global sustainable development researcher in Canada
This is a unique searchable database of researchers from Canadian universities, colleges, research institutes, and civil society organizations – all working on issues related to sustainable development. The NextGen Database maps areas of research to the SDGs and identifies how researchers in Canada contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Find researchers or practitioner-researchers to collaborate with!
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Canada promote international cooperation?
Learn more about Canada’s development assistance priorities, browse projects funded by Canada, and find out about funding opportunities through unsolicited proposals or calls for proposals. In 2017, Canada launched the Feminist international Assistance Policy, focusing Canada’s assistance in the support of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Six actions areas focus and guide Canada assistance, inspire Canadian advocacy and policy efforts, and help measure impact.
How do I support humanitarian aid and relief?
Humanitarian emergencies are complex. Providing monetary donations to established organizations is the fastest, most efficient method for supporting relief in complex emergencies. In Canada, the Humanitarian Coalition pools organizational resources for faster, more effective response. The Canadian Red Cross also responds to national and human-made humanitarian emergencies through its global network. The Red Cross is provided a unique position under international humanitarian law, and as such, may sometimes be the only group able to provide humanitarian assistance and protection during an armed conflict.
Collecting supplies and donated goods may help us address our feeling of powerlessness when faced with a disaster. However, shipping, sorting, storing, and distributing supplies donated in-kind can sometimes have a negative affect by diverting much needed resources away from critical response. Depending on the severity of the disaster, timing of the response, and resources available locally, in-kind donations of supplies may be welcomed. Always check with local authorities and established organizations before collecting and shipping supplies for disaster relief.
Funding from Global Affairs Canada seems complex. Is there funding for a small organization like mine?
In 2019, the Government of Canada reinstated funding for small and medium organizations. The Small and Medium organization for Impact and Innovation program has three streams, with the Inter-Council Network supporting various aspects of this
- Development Impact Window funds projects by SMOs.
- The Fund for Innovation and Transformation provides funding to test innovative solutions for global development challenges
- Spur Change Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing for SMOs program provides learning opportunities and training to increase effectiveness.
International partners of Canadian organizations can also apply for funding from their local embassy, through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.
Does the Alberta Government provide funding for international cooperation?
In October 2019, the Alberta Government eliminated funding for international cooperation after 45 years. Read our report on the fund published in 2020. We encourage you to contact your MLA and request that the fund be reinstated.
Where can I apply for other funding for my organization for international projects?
Outside of the Government of Canada sources listed above, the majority of funding for international cooperation in Canada comes from private sources – meaning, through fundraising from donors, community members and supporters, foundations, or gifts from other charities.
Calgary area charities can apply for funding through the FigTree Foundation. Edmonton area charities can apply for the Lee Global Education Awards to support global education programming.
Other organizations, such as the Equality Fund, Grand Challenges Canada, and the Global Innovation Fund, receive funding from the Government of Canada and in turn, provide grants and awards for international initiatives. Organizations can also build partnerships with the private sector through their corporate social responsibility programs. Benevity, based out of Calgary, matches private companies with non-profits through employee giving programs; ATB Cares matches donations to Alberta charities made through its platform. Telus International provides funding to local organizations through Community Boards in countries where it operates. These are but a few examples of Canadian private-sector CSR programs that allow funding to support projects outside of Canada.
What other resources are available for organizations?
While funding is important, it is important to recognize other assets and resources you have at your disposal. Pooling funding with another charitable organization can be an effective way to create impact, while mobilizing volunteer resources can engage a community and help your organization find the skills you need. Your organization may also be able to offer programs or services for a fee, that create impact you are achieving.
Don’t know where to start? ACGC offers a variety of capacity building, networking, and learning opportunities, both in Alberta and through our national networks. View our Organizational Learning page to learn more, and subscribe to our monthly sector bulletin for updates and opportunities.
I would like to volunteer. Where should I start?
Volunteering with an ACGC member that works on an issue you are passionate about is a great way to start. Organizations are often looking for board members, as well as fundraising efforts to support international partners. If seeking to travel abroad, ACGC highly discourages ‘voluntourism’, and suggests volunteering through a well-established organization with a dedicated volunteer program. Many ACGC member organizations offer short-term opportunities, while teachers in Alberta can participate in the Alberta Teachers Association/Canadian Teachers Federation’s Project Overseas initiative.
ACGC encourages youth who are new to international cooperation to seek out structured learning programs, focused on deep critical thinking and mutual learning. ACGC offers the Global Connect program, an Alberta-based experiential learning program for youth ages 18-24 to learn about international cooperation. If seeking an internship, ensuring the organization provides structured pre- and post-orientation, and support while you are in country, such as through the International Youth Internship Program, or through your college or university, is critical.ACGC focuses on matching interested volunteers with our member organizations, and as such, does not have an established volunteer program. We do offer paid summer student positions and internships, and offer educational-focused placements through our partnerships with post-secondary institutions, when funding allows. Contact us and we can help get you started.
I am not located in Alberta. How do I get involved in international cooperation in Canada?
ACGC is a member of the Inter-Council Network of Provincial and Regional Councils, which offers programs, learning opportunities across Canada. ACGC is also a member of Cooperation Canada, a national network of Canada’s international cooperation sector.
Learn more about these networks on our About Us page.